A modernized version of the traditional Triphala, which has been utilized for therapeutic purposes for many years, is Santé – Triphala+. Three of the herbs Gooseberry, Bedra, and Terminalia are all indigenous to the subcontinent. Santé is a superfood since it has cardamom, rose petals, and basil seeds in addition to the traditional three herbs, which makes it ideal for human consumption. It is a herbal supplement that helps support general well-being, better digestion, and the maintenance of good skin. Your whole health will improve as a result of using Santé, which also helps you sleep more soundly, deal with stress and anxiety, pay attention and concentrate better. Additionally, it can keep you energized and serves as an immunity booster to strengthen your body’s defence mechanisms.
Gooseberries are a small, healthy berry with several health advantages. They are low in calories and fat but high in dietary fiber, copper, manganese, potassium, and vitamins C, B5, and B6. Your skin, immune system, and nervous system all depend on vitamin C, a potent antioxidant. In contrast to vitamin B6, which many enzymes and cells in your body require to function, vitamin B5 is required for the production of fatty acids, while vitamin B6 aids in the conversion of food into energy. Additionally, it aids in the prevention of type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.
The delicious fruit bedra is effective in treating stomach ulcers. It contains two strong plant compounds, Gallic acid, and ellagic acid, which aid with digestion and soothe the stomach. Mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, can have a bad impact on your health, and bra is a miracle fruit for lowering stress. Bedra has remarkable therapeutic potential and may prevent metabolic syndrome, according to studies. It contains hepatoprotective qualities that lessen lipid peroxidation, liver fibrosis, and liver detoxification, hence promoting liver health. Additionally, it possesses potent wound-healing capabilities. The antibacterial properties of the fruit can significantly delay the growth of harmful microorganisms. Additionally, it encourages blood circulation, fortifies the hair strands from the inside out, and nourishes the hair follicles with necessary nutrients.
Terminalia has ingredients that support heart stimulation. It is good for the heart since it lowers cholesterol and blood pressure. Since the beginning of time, it has been utilized as a treatment for a variety of issues, including stomach diseases, ulcers, and asthma. According to studies, it has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that help the body remove harmful toxins and give it the nutrients it needs. Among the illnesses that Terminalia both prevents and treats include respiratory infections, coughs, and sore throats.
Since cardamom has diuretic characteristics, it helps reduce blood pressure. Cardamom contains chemicals that may prevent tumor development and fight tumors. It contains antioxidant properties that protect cells from destruction, reduce inflammation in the body, and aid digestive problems, and has been demonstrated to lessen the size and severity of stomach ulcers. It is possible to eradicate common oral germs and shield teeth from cavities. According to studies, using cardamom supplements may reduce waist size, stop nervous behaviors, and avoid fatty liver.
Basil seeds contain high amounts of iron, calcium, and magnesium, which could fill in important nutritional shortages. It contains soluble fiber, which supports intestinal health, low blood pressure, stable blood sugar levels, and appetite suppression. Basil seeds may provide most or all of your daily needs for ALA omega-3 fat.
Take one capsule each day with warm water or milk. If you suffer from constipation, take two capsules each day.